Join The Society

The Society promotes the study and celebration of the life and works of Victor Hugo and his family during his years of exile in Guernsey.

Joining the Society will enable you to attend regular events, excursions and lectures, often free of charge or at a discount.

Membership may also involve you assisting in various projects that the Society might organise to promote its aims. You don’t have to live in Guernsey to become a member.

If you are already a member and wish to renew your subscription, please click the button below.

If you are not currently a member and want to join, please see the instructions below.


Single Membership
is £10 per year, either payable annually, or you can set up an automatic subscription through Paypal.

Couples and/or Family Membership: If two of you would like to attend our events, or when appropriate include children under 16 years, and benefit from membership offers, please take out our Couples/Family Membership for £20 per year, either paid each year or via automatic Paypal subscription. Enter the number of children where indicated.


Student Membership is FREE. Applies to any Guernsey resident over 16 engaged in full time education. Simply email your request with address to:

Inflation proof 10 year package! This new option is both beneficial for you, as your membership fees will stay the same for the next 10 years, and will help the society out with a cash boost.



Offline payment: If you prefer to pay by cheque, make your payment to “The Victor Hugo in Guernsey Society” and post to:


The Membership Secretary,
Katherine Lau,

La Boule,

1, Le Clos Galliotte,

Icart Road,

St Martin,
Guernsey, Channel Islands


For bank transfer: HSBC, 20-22 High St. St Peter Port, GY1 2LB, 40-22-25, a/c: 04411242

Membership is linked to the calendar year and thus due on 1st of January.


Please note: Paypal payments, either one-off or on subscription basis, can be made with your credit/debit card, a Paypal account is not required, but can be used if preferred.

If you have any queries about our membership, please contact Katherine Lau at






  • Fill out the Membership Details Form below and send it.
  • Select your preferred payment option below.
  • Click on the payment link and process your payment.

Your membership will be acknowledged by email, once payment has been received.
Subscriptions run January to December.


Members are advised that the Society retains only the names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and subscription position of its members. The Society does not have access to any other financial or private information. Upon the cessation of membership the entry is wiped from the system. 
For purchases and bookings from the website, the Society has no access to payment information. 
Should these arrangements not be satisfactory, please contact the Hon. Secretary on:


    Your Details:

    First Name (required)

    Surname (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    Your Email (required)

    For Family Memberships (If applicable):

    Second Member's First Name

    Second Member's Surname

    Number of Children Under 16


    Address Line 1 (required)

    Address Line 2 (required)

    City/Parish (required)

    Country (required)

    Post Code (required)

    Any Additional Information (optional):

    Your Message




    Membership type

    Membership Options